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Our First Isologo
Back in 1982 Diego Gandolfo created the center of the logo painting it on the bass drum: A White cross of Saint Andrew and a stylized thistle. The band members approved it and then the logo inspired the name of the band. Charlie Cattaneo gave the final touch adding the new name of the band and the motto.
Our Motto
The legend goes that at the time of the band being formed it was said by non members that sprouts from the big tree would never last. The motto (that's what's written on the bottom scroll) is written in gaelic and it's supposed to say: nacimos de gajo (or so said Guillermo Santana Mackinlay). Time has proven us right...
New Isologo
For our 25th anniversary, in 2007, it was decided to have a new logo created. In keeping with the times it is more modern and easier to use in digital and other formats. Thanks are to be given to Maxie Ortner, for designing it.